Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday Morning Feature: The Blooming Hare

There are a few reasons why I adore The Blooming Hare.
First off, they are outrageously talented and have a beautiful imagination.
And secondly, they're fellow Michiganders--which automatically makes them amazing.

So for this Monday Morning Feature, I am extremely honored to introduce The Blooming Hare. 


1. Share the story behind your shop.

 We are a mother and daughter who have many interests that we share in common. We were always dreaming together, so opening a shop and channeling our art into The Blooming Hare just seemed natural. We both share in the creative process, I do the paintings and illustrations of our little characters, Mum helps immensely in the idea stage, and in the marketing, as well as keeping the kettle hot and the tea coming! Every little creation, every piece of art becomes an old friend, we love what we do!

2. Tell us a bit more about the creative process for you. Is there anything that just jump-starts the inspiration?

 We work together on all of our pieces. Sometimes a painting will come about from a quirky idea that is presented while taking a walk together, a face and personality will present itself in a cup of tea, a bowl of soup can be a surprisingly good place to find an idea. The creative process is always going for us. The ordinary can be the surprising revelation.

3. What materials do you find the most challenging to work with?

 Lighting. When painting there is nothing like the effect of natural light, and it's only out there so long every day; which is unfortunate because we like to work well into the evening. We're slowly making friends with that newfangled electric version of light. Every bulb in the house gets a chance to shine after sundown.

 4. Right now, which piece is your personal favorite?

 We love all of the items, but right now we’re really hopping with excitement over our jewelry, it’s so fun! Our illustrations are beautifully captured under a glass dome, which gives them a wonderful three-dimensional effect! Quite vintage looking and very charming, they’re our little pieces of wearable art!

5. Any pieces that seem to sell quicker than others?

There has been a lot of interest shone in our animal pieces. Those are the most curious, I mean you just don’t see a fox in a yellow cotton dress every day!

 6. Do you have any tips or tricks for fellow Etsians on how to promote their shops more?

Probably the same things that we are telling ourselves; the worth of your creation starts with how you yourself value it. So each morning sip on a strong cup of perseverance, and take a good healthy dose of faith and believing in yourself and what you do!

Visit The Blooming Hare's blog.
And the shoppe.  


  1. So fun! Thank you for featuring us on your charming blog Maria!

  2. Very nice showcase of The Blooming Hare! I found this blog through etsy and The Blooming Hare's blog and am now a follower!

    Art by Keri Keene
